Torrential downpours for the last 48 hours. Woke up to the walls shaking from the thunder! It's quite exciting to see. Good thing I have no obligations to take me out of the house..... not sure I could ride my bike in this weather. In the last seven days we've had 2.93 inches of rain. Today alone we've gotten 1.01 in... and it's
only one in the afternoon!! I'm so in love with O
regon. When I was a kid my favorite books were always set in forests and costal areas. Places with moss and fog, and the possibility of magick everywhere. Growing up in one of the largest desert metropolises of the world, I never thought it possible to live in a place like the ones in all those books. But here I am!
About a week ago, Emma and I hiked to the top of Tilamook Head. (Which is that little mountainy bit on the left side of the photo.) We found all kinds of things such as this little lizard-y guy. I'm not sure EXACTLY what kind of critter this is, but we saw a few of them. Very cute, orange bellies. Also discover some BRIGHT orange fungus among us. SOOOOO teeny! The smallest ones were just the size of the moss leaves. It had not rained in at least twenty four hours but the mud was out of control!
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